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- AWE - The AMOS Workbench Emulator
- An Brief Introduction
- The Amos Pro Browser uses the latest in AMOS extensions, AWE. This
- royalty-FREE extension provides programmers with the ability to use a
- complete interface system in line with Workbench 2.04+, within their
- own AMOS software! It even permits the use of multiple windows open at
- the same time!
- Unlike other extensions, AWE does not rely on the Workbench version
- being used, or complex intuition calls requiring the ROM Kernal
- manuals. It uses simple AMOS commands to set up, query, and change the
- state of individual windows under AWE control, while the emulator
- procedures handle all of the hard work of moving windows, handling
- button depressions, text input boxes and so on. In fact, AWE will
- automatically handle the actions of most of WB 2.04+ features. These
- include,
- Boolean Buttons Any size, containing text and/or graphics
- Text Requesters Permitting full cursor/mouse control
- Check Boxes With additional text placement
- Radio Buttons Can be split into separate groups
- Cycling Buttons Any number of options in cycling list.
- Scroll bars Full scrolling lists are easy.
- Window-to-back gadgets For cycling between open windows
- Multiple screens All independent: 4/8/16 colours, variable size
- Key Shortcuts With optional character underline.
- Disabled gadgets Saves error checking as gadget is greyed out
- File requester Fully automated, and error checking.
- User gadgets ...for anything we've forgotten!
- The extension also provides a large set of extra commands that can
- be used in *any* product. They provide powerful re-writes of the AMOS
- bank system (allowing over 4 billion banks), the zone system (with
- excellent grouping facilities) and keyboard handler. It also has
- utility commands you will be unable to live with once you've
- discovered them!
- In addition, there is also 'The AWE Creator', which permits you to
- design your windows in a purely visual fashion with the mouse, and
- then generate the AWE-based code from your design. It is also possible
- to produce several windows in the creator and link them together into
- a complete application...and then get the Amiga to generate the code
- for this automatically!
- Release Details
- Although no formal release date has been set, it is expected that
- both 'The AWE Creator' and 'The AWE Extension' will be released during
- the early Spring of 1997. Both will cost £5.98, with a joint package
- available for £9.98 (all P&P inclusive), and will be available from
- the authors, at either:
- Steven Goodwin Philip Hart
- 105 St. Johns Road or 25 Springfield Drive
- Clacton-On-Sea Nuthall
- Essex CO16 8DB Nottingham NG6 8DB
- Both software comes on floppy disc, is hard drive installable and
- comes with documentation, examples and more pleasurable hours than you
- can imagine!
- There will also PD version of the AWE Creator available, for you to
- experiment with, at no cost whatsoever. It will be a complete version,
- but with certain SAVE and CODE GENERATE facilities removed. Obtaining
- this version directly from the authors (£1.50 to cover P&P and
- handling) will result in reimbursement upon purchase of the full
- creator.